Thursday, January 12, 2012

The way it looks when I get home from the store...

I read food and cooking blogs just like everyone else.  I do it to see what other people are up to and to gather inspiration.  Sometimes I see these photos and I think JESUS CHRIST- how is it possible to go out, shop, drag it all home (thank you MoCo bag tax, now my life is not much different then living in Austria, having to bring all my own damn bags to the store), unpack, put it away and then start cooking.  Ok, just writing all that made me tired and I need to put my feet up! 

So, this is what it looks like when I get home from the grocery store….. look familiar?

How about when I cook something walk into another room and the two whippets counter surf and sample some of the goods?  At Christmas this year I bought a frozen raspberry tarte from TJ’s.  When I walked back into the kitchen the berries were gone!  After yelling at the dogs (who all scatter immediately) it turns out it was Cami- So, go figure.

Generally, I never cook one thing at a time.  I think if I did I would be a lot calmer and happier.  But I live in my world where I have to make several dishes for several people including my own.  I am able to multi task and keep it all going but it can be exhausting.  At the end I am sometimes sick of my own food and can’t wait to go home take a shower and go out to dinner.

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